LGVA is a voluntary group and registered charity which seeks to promote and protect the interests of residents and to provide facilities in the interests of their social welfare for recreation and leisure time.
Have you ever thought about joining the Village 500 club? This is a local lottery run by the LGVA Committee.
Membership only costs £12 per year and you have a chance of winning £100 first prize or £30 second prize each month.
There are a maximum of 500 members and we are not there yet.
However, with a draw each month, who knows…. you could be lucky!
You can download the form here, complete and return to the Village Hall office with your payment, or complete the form online and make a bank transfer to:
Sort Code: 60-18-11
Account no: 24461350
Or set up a regular standing order and make sure you never miss an opportunity to win!
The Club runs from April each year, when subscriptions are renewable, but you can join at any time by paying the number of months up to and including the following March.
Registered with Dacorum Borough Council,
Registration No. 76 under the Lotteries & Amusement Act 1976